Fine Art

'Don't Touch Me, I'm Nervous' 2021, Oil on canvas (100x75cm)

  'birthday party' Oil on cotton, 2018 (120x80cm)

'Intestines' Oil on cotton, 2018 (200x200cm)

'Untitled' Oil on canvas, 2020 (110x160cm)/ 'Untitled with tentacle' Oil on canvas, 2020, (110x160cm)

'PEAS' Pencil, oil pastel, acrylic, watercolour on paper, 2020 (250x400cm)

pickle study, pencil, 2019

'Untitled' Oil on canvas, 2020, (100x100cm)

pickle study II, pencil on paper, 2020

'Gloved' Oil on stitched cotton, 2020 (240x120cm)

untitled, Oil on canvas, 2020, (45x45cm)

'No, not in there Sharon. The champagne is in the cellar.' Oil on canvas, 2020, (120x100cm)

'fish on plate' Oil on paper, 2017, (60x35cm)/ 'egg' Oil on board, 2017, (40x40cm)/ 'figs' Oil on board, 2017, (30x40cm)

'Hazmat Suits' Oil on cotton, 2020, (110x190cm)



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'self portrait II' Oil on cotton, 2020, (110x140cm)

Untitled, Oil on canvas, 2019,(40x40cm)

conceptual art

.   Caliban, The Tempest/ conceptual art class with Alfie Setchel